The Constitution of Fairbanks Interior Table Tennis (FITT)
Article 1 - Name and Organization
1.1 The name of this organization shall be Fairbanks Interior Table
Tennis, hereinafter referred to as "FITT".
1.2 FITT shall be affiliated with the USA Table Tennis and shall follow
the rules and by-laws of that organization.
1.3 The rules, policies, and procedures of FITT shall be embodied in the
Constitution and By-Laws of FITT, hereinafter referred to as
"Constitution" and "By-Laws". Changes or amendments to those
documents may be made only by means of the procedures described
therein for such changes.
Article 2 - Purpose
2.1 The purpose of the Club shall be the encouragement, promotion, and
maintenance of the sport of table tennis in the Fairbanks area as a
wholesome form of physical recreation and competition.
2.2 FITT shall actively seek to develop participation in the sport of
table tennis by persons of every age, sex, race, color, and creed and
by persons with physical and/or mental disabilities and shall seek to
associate itself with those local, regional, and/or national
organizations or entities which may provide opportunities for such
Article 3 - Membership
3.1 Any person living in Alaska who is willing to uphold the Constitution
and By-Laws of FITT and the U. S. Table Tennis Association and the
applicable laws of the state of Alaska shall be eligible for
membership in FITT as provided in the By-Laws.
3.2 A "current" member shall be any person whose membership is in good
standing according to the provisions of the By-Laws.
Article 4 - Officers
4.1 The titles, responsibilities, and duties of all officers of FITT
shall be as described in the By-Laws.
4.2 All officers of FITT shall be elected or appointed in accordance with
procedures described in the By-Laws.
4.3 FITT shall be governed by an Executive Committee, hereinafter
referred to as "EC". Membership on the EC shall consist of all
officers of FITT plus any additional current members as provided in
the By-Laws.
Article 5 - Meetings
5.1 FITT shall hold at least one annual planning meeting per year. The
time and place of said meeting shall be selected by the EC in
accordance with provisions in the By-Laws. All current members of
FITT shall be eligible to attend said meeting and shall be sent
notification by phone, mail or email not less than one week before the
date of said meeting.
5.2 The EC may call special meetings at any time. All current members of
the Club shall be eligible to attend such meetings and a good faith
effort to notify members of the time, place and purpose of the meeting
shall be sent by phone or email.
5.3 Meetings of the EC shall be held at least twice a year at a time and
place to be set by EC members.
Article 6 - Amendments to the Constitution & By-Laws
6.1 Amendments to this Constitution & By-Laws may be made only by a two-
thirds majority vote of the members present at any annual or special
meeting. A good faith effort to notify members of the time and place
of the meeting shall be sent by phone or email to all current members
not less than two weeks before the date of said meeting.
6.2 Submission of proposed amendments to this Constitution shall be
provided in writing to the EC at least 30 days prior to any vote on
Article 7 - Dissolution
7.1 A vote to dissolve FITT may be taken only at an annual or special
meeting. Notification of the dissolution must be given by phone or
email to all current members not less than two weeks before the date
of said meeting. Such dissolution shall require a two-thirds majority
vote of the current members present or by written proxy from members
not able to make the meeting.
7.2 Upon dissolution of FITT, any funds remaining in FITT accounts and
assets shall be disbursed to one or more regularly organized and
charitable, educational, scientific, or philanthropic organizations to
be selected by the EC.
Article 8 - Ratification
8.1 This Constitution shall become effective immediately upon approval by
a two-thirds majority vote of all current members of FITT present at
any meeting.
The By-Laws Of Fairbanks Interior Table Tennis
Fairbanks Interior Table Tennis shall be referred to hereinafter as "FITT".
Section 1 - Membership
1.1 Any person who meets the requirements set forth in Article 3 of the
FITT Constitution may become a member of FITT upon completion of the
proper application and submission of the proper fee for his/her
category of membership as set forth in the Schedule of Fees.
1.2 There will be three categories of members in the Club as follows:
a. Adult - Adults are defined as those individuals who are 18 years
of age or older of the last July 1.
b. Junior - Juniors are defined as those individuals who are under
18 years of age as of the last July 1.
c. Family - Family members include any and all junior children of
an adult member.
1.3 Privileges of membership will be as follows:
a. Adult members
1) Participation in any FITT-sponsored intra-club, inter-
club, or no-star tournament.
2) Voting privileges as set forth in these By-Laws.
b. Junior members
1) Participation in any FITT-sponsored intra-club, inter-
club, or no-star tournament.
c. Family members
1) Participation in any FITT-sponsored intra-club, inter-
club, or no-star tournament.
1.4 A "member in good standing" is defined as any member whose membership
dues are paid in full for the period in question and who is not in
violation of good standing for any of the reasons described in
Section 1.5 of these By-Laws.
1.5 Any membership may be terminated either voluntarily by the member for
any reason upon resignation tendered to a member of the EC or for
cause by a majority vote of the EC for any of the following reasons.
a. Violation or disregard of FITT or USATT rules and regulations.
b. Delinquency in payment of fees and assessments, including
payment with NSF checks.
c. Conduct failing to conform with FITT or USATT standards of
sportsmanship or which tends to bring disrepute upon the FITT,
the USATT, or the sport of table tennis.
1.6 Any member who resigned while in good standing, in accordance with
the procedures detailed in Section 1.5, may be reinstated upon
application to the FITT following the same procedures as a first-time
new member.
Section 2 - Officers
2.1 The officers of the FITT shall consist of a President, Vice
President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
a. The President shall superintend business of FITT generally, be
entitled to preside at all meetings of FITT, appoint such committee
chairman as may be required, and perform any other duties delegated
by the Board. The President shall also be responsible for training
of the Vice President/President-Elect in the duties of the office
of President in whatever manner shall be deemed most effective.
b. The Vice President shall carry out the duties of the President in
his/her absence or disability. The Vice President shall also
supervise the activities of all FITT committees, giving periodic
reports to the President as necessary. The Vice President shall
make every effort to familiarize himself/herself with the duties
and responsibilities of the office of the President as described
c. The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of
FITT meetings. He/she shall also be responsible for the regular
correspondence of FITT, including communications with members
regarding meetings, tournaments, etc. He/she shall be responsible
for publicizing the activities of FITT in the appropriate local
media and for providing reports of FITT activities to the USTTA
office as required, except for reports related to tournaments.
d. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial operations of
FITT. He/she shall receive all invoices and receipts for FITT
expenses and shall pay all bills as required. He/she shall also
reimburse FITT members for pre-authorized expenses incurred in the
pursuit of official FITT business. He/she shall open and maintain
FITT bank accounts, using only institutions covered by federal
account insurance programs. He/she shall allocate funds between
accounts in a manner consistent with safety and a high rate of
return. In no case shall the Treasurer deposit funds into an
institution of which he/she is an employee or stockholder without
prior approval by a three-fourth majority of the EC. The Treasurer
shall report on the financial condition and transactions of FITT at
all EC and regular meetings and shall be responsible for the
preparation of such annual or other reports as may be required for
tax and/or audit purposes.